Friday, July 10, 2009

Newest Addition (and Best Looking/Sweetest)...

Kamryn Grace Munday....April 21, 2009 7 lbs 11 ounces
Mom looking beautiful as normal
The new little family

All Girl!!!!
Blessing Day with Grandpa Olson
Kamryn's blessing day......4 days old
First look at Grandpa Chad
This is what you get when you leave Daddy to babysit....scary!
Taking it all in...
Is she happy or has gas?
Sweet little girl
She is going to grandma's....happy as always
Her reaction to seeing Uncle Austin
Happy as always!!!!

1 comment:

Patti said...

She is a little cutie! How fun. My dad always said he never minded being a grandfather - he just hated sleeping with a grandma!