Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kamryn 4 months to 1 year.....

These are not in chronological order. The most recent ones are the pictures of her first birthday (which is actually in 2 weeks...we celebrated a bit early while family was in town). A few of Kamryn's favorite things...

-saying "hello" and waving to every person she sees
-her baby doll that she calls "bee bee" and carries everywhere
-"whoopsey daisy" whenever she drops something
-the backyardigans
-LOVES being scared...she will laugh hysterically . . .
-the vacuum . . . she chases it around the house
-ejecting DVD's from the player and then carrying them around as a mirror
-straws! mommy's drinks....mommy doesn't like this one...
-throwing everything
-cell phones....and talking on them

These are just a few things Kamryn loves. She is ALL girl and ALL personality. A little chatterbox---wonder where she got that from?? She is a happy, happy TODDLER! The most friendly, energetic, busy little cutie pie! We love her lots!